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Ciao Laura: Thank you for the

Ciao Laura:

Thank you for the compliments. Writers in general are insecure, so it's always nice and appreciative when readers like what you're doing.

Have I ever returned to Italy? No. After visiting in 1970, I had no reason to fly elsewhere. Eventually I became afraid to fly. And after 9/11, I doubt I'll ever go on a plane again. My husband says he'll drug me to get me to Italy. That should be quite interesting. : )

Yes, I will continue writing novels set in Italy. I am finishing up the first book in a series about three psychic sisters. It's called the SISTERS OF DESTINY trilogy. The first, CARINA AND THE NOBLEMAN, takes place in 15th century Po River Valley. As you can see, I love the 15th century. I haven't shopped this series around yet. I hope to start after the first of the year. Book two takes place in Andelusia and book three in London.

I also wrote a short story, KNIGHT'S DESIRE, for the ONCE UPON A KNIGHT anthology for Highland Press. It takes place in 14th century Northern Italy. I haven't heard yet if it has been accepted. I believe the anthology will be released late next year.

I have many others I'd like to write. I am never at a loss when choosing an Italian setting or historical circumstances to write my story around. I started out writing Westerns set in the 19th century American West. In fact, I have one out right now, REBEL HEART. I would love to have some of my other westerns published some day.

I hope I've answered all your questions, Laura. Thank you for your interest.


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