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Andreina: I don't have a


I don't have a translation to your post, but I'll try to respond and hope I not too far off the mark.

I'm glad you like the medieval period. To me, it's the most romantic times in history, especially in Italian history.

I think you asked where I start, with a setting or a character. Usually, I'll get an idea for a story. For example, my SISTERS OF DESTINY trilogy: I wanted to do a story about psychic sisters. Then I decided they'll be triplets. At that point, I asked myself in what period of history would they have the most impact. Of course, I chose the 15th century.

Often I will have names for my characters before I have a story idea. So I'd have to say that either the setting or characters will be where I start. It depends on the type of story it is.

I hope Elisa can translate your post and my response. I think there is more you asked but I don't understand.

Thank you for your interest in my work. Please check my website for news on my upcoming books.


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