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translation of comment # 20

translation of comment # 20 (Cristiana)

When I received the blog's newsletter with the terrific news of the interview to Lisa Kleypas I thought at once :

“Oh my Lisa Kleypas! the author of LADY SOPHIA’S LOVER ! My top DIK! What may I ask her? Should I be right in front of her, what question might I ask her?

Well dear Lisa, I'd blush for the emotion and tell you with my poor English :

“Your Books are fantaaaaaastic”

and then I'd ask you, why in PRINCE OF DREAMS Nikola falls in love with Emma only after having felt in love with Emma's ancestor? Don't you think of this as a “betrayal” of a sort? From where do you get the ideas for your characters, for your stories? Suddenly, when you are waiting in line at the post office or while shopping in a commercial center ?By seeing a couple walking down the road? From something you read or from a movie you see? Where did the love story between Ross and Sophia come from? Ross “the monk”, Sophia “the daring girl” …. two totally different characters, as you told in the interview, but so alike, so indispensable to each other.

If I have to imagine the two legendary apple halves which joined together give a perfect whole, I cannot think of anybody else than of Ross and Sophia.

I don't know what makes a book magical or unique to me, but I know for sure that LADY SOPHIA’S LOVER is the first book I'd bring with me on a desert isle.

Thank you Lisa, thank you so much for having written a book which helps me in all those moments when I'm feeling sad and everything looks ordinary.




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