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[[My compliments for the

[[My compliments for the excerpt and my best wishes for your career.]]

Thank you, Hatshepsut81!

[[While writing the passion scenes are you going to use your own experiences as a source for inspiration ?]]

LOL! I wish... Just kidding! As I mentioned before, I have had rheumatoid arthritis almost all my life, so rest assured the vast majority of the adventures (in and out of bed) that my characters experience are completely a product of my imagination. :) However, imagination doesn't happen in a vaccuum. It's helped along by vast amounts of reading and talking to people who have had such experiences and live "the life".

I've found that peoplea remarkably willing to open up on the subject if they are approached with respect and without judgement. :)

[[Or are you rather going to use your wildest fantasies as a "message" to your husband?]]

Trust me, my husband doesn't need to read my books to know exactly what I want! LOL Especially because of my handicap, open communication on all levels is vital to keep our relationship healthy. A healthy sex life goes hand in hand with a healthy fantasy life. One doesn't need to act on those fantasies in order for them to have a positive impact on real life.

I don't think your questions are brazen at all! I feel that if a writer is going to write erotic, she had better be prepared to answer the hard questions!

Funny story, though...After Beaudry's Ghost was published, my husband's brothers teased me about "chapter 10", the book's one and only sex scene. They asked me, with eyebrows wiggling, if I had used my husband for inspiration. I draped myself over his arm and said in a low, husky voice, "Why, yes. Yes I did." It shut them up pretty quick and earned them dirty looks from their wives!



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