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Answer to comment # 3 (Cris )

Thank you, Cris, for all your kind words. It's so nice when a reader explains what they like about a book. I've never know how well my writing translates into other languages, but from your comments, it seems that the Italian translators have done very well by my work. It's gratifying to know that you find something to treasure in my romances.


Answer to comment #5 (Marianna)


I probably didn't explain myself very well about writing books in a series. I do like connected books. I'm just not a fan of romances that follow the same romantic couple again and again. The two exceptions to that are the work of Diana Gabaldon in her Outlander series and J.D. Robb's wonderful detective mysteries with Eve Dallas and Roarke. I enjoyed writing the Compass Club books even though it was difficult in many ways. I don't know that I'd try to do that again - once was probably enough! I imagine that I'll always be writing books that are connected.


Answer to comment #6 (Elena)

It sounds as if the Compass Club is more popular with all of you than it was here. I hope you enjoy the stories. The order is: Let Me Be the One; Everything I Ever Wanted; All I Ever Needed, and Beyond a Wicked Kiss. Of course those are the English titles. I know sometimes titles get changed when a book is released in another country.


Answer to comment #7 (Luna70)

I'm glad to know you're interested!!!


Answer to comment #8 ( Georgette )


Your simple question is actually a tough one! There are actually several different types of romances on the market. The ones that are marketed as hot and spicy have a lot more sex scenes in that. Some romances touch more on romantic relationships. I suppose readers have their individual preferences and buy the kind of books they like. I agree with you that sometimes a sex scene interrupts the pacing instead of adding to the story. I try (but I doubt that I always succeed) to make the love scenes advance the story in some way or reflect the fears and joys of the romantic couple.

As for your second question, switching time periods and settings was not so easy. After writing so many romances in the Regency period, I struggled with changing to "American".

Answer to comment #12 (Agata)

I also want to thank Maria Rosa for her hard work. She asked me great questions, and I really appreciate all her hard work doing the translating so we could "talk" to each other.


Answer to comment # 16 (anonymous)

I don't have any information about the Thorne brothers books. My publisher handles all the foreign sales and I usually don't find out anything until I get a royalty statement. I'm amazed you were able to find 2 of the Thorne books. They're unavailable here.


Answer to comment # 17 (Andreina)

I'm not typically drawn to vampire books - although I loved Dracula. There is a series by Charlaine Harris about a girl named Sookie Stackhouse that's very popular here, perhaps in Italy, too. I've read most of the books in that series and I'm a fan of the TV show True Blood that is based on the books. I don't have any plans to do a paranormal/fantasy book, but that's the thing about plans...sometimes they change.


Answer to comment # 18 (Maet)


I love multiple choice questions. The answer is: All of the above. Writing is a break from reality; it certainly gives me a change to engage in fantasy. I started it because I hoped to get some extra income and support myself. And now, it's definitely a need for my soul! Thank you for helping me see all of that!



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