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Wow - I'm having trouble

Wow - I'm having trouble keeping up with your interesting questions!...

I have heard how wonderful Sardinia is from my daughter who goes there for her holidays. I intend to go one day!

Although he themes of my books sound quite serious, they are also quite funny. There are always comic characters, like Garth the Goth in STAR GAZING. The books are also very romantic - even erotic at times and my heroes are always gorgeous (but sometimes in an unusual way), so I think there's plenty to enjoy as well as pleanty to think about.

It's hard for me to describe my books because I don't know of anyone anyone else who writes books like mine. They are a real mixture. If my books were films, they would be something like LOVE ACTUALLY, NOTTING HILL and 4 WEDDINGS & A FUNERAL - funny but also sad at times.

And while we're on films.... My favourite film at the moment is 300 but I think perhaps my all-time favourite films are both very old: HARVEY (which features in STAR GAZING!) and FIELD OF DREAMS.

My favourite film actor? Gerard Butler, a Scot who provided the inspiration for STAR GAZING's Keir. I also adore Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman.

I never play music while I'm writing but I do play music *before* I write. Each book has it's "playlist". For STAR GAZING I played the piece of music that features in the book, Cantus Arcticus by the Finnish composer, Rautavaara. (It's a concerto for birds & orchestra!) For the book I'm working on at the moment I'm listening to weird 20thC music by Arvo Part and Philip Glass. For my previous book (not published yet) I listened to a lot of Bach cello music because the hero played the cello.

Now I need to go back and read your Qs again to see what I've forgotten....


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