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I'm very homesick in Glasgow.

I'm very homesick in Glasgow. :-( I didn't realise how much I would miss Skye. Glasgow is very different but it's a wonderful place. (I think Glaswegians are the friendliest people on the planet!) But I miss silence, I miss birdsong, I miss the mountains.

Skye wasn't very practical for my work. You had to drive for an hour to get off the island. (It's very big.) It was also a very long way from an airport and my agent and publisher are in London.

I don't know how well I'll settle in Glasgow. I think it could take some time. I also think it's possible I could go back, or go and live on another island. There are so many! I've visited a lot and loved them all.

The big advantage of living in Glasgow is that I will see more of my children. My daughter actually lives in Glasgow, not far away from me. We have wonderful girly times together and watch Gerard Butler and Hugh Jackman dvds. ;-)

Someone asked me about depression and writing... That's a big question. (I've written a bit about this on my website.) I've suffered from depression for years and I always will as I suffer from bipolar affective disorder (manic depression.) Writing keeps me sane. It keeps me happy. It is the best anti-depressant I know. I think it also allows me to confront a lot of dark and difficult things and deal with them in a controlled, safe way - and a positive way, because I can arrange happy endings!

I don't run away from the dark side, in my life or in my writing. My motto is "Know the enemy". I know depression lies in wait for me all the time. I fight it with every weapon I can find - music, poetry, films, nature, but mainly my writing. I know the bad times will always pass. It's the waiting that is so difficult.

(If any of you are intererested in this subject, you might enjoy EMOTIONAL GEOLOGY which deals with depression in a very positive way.)


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