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Dragana, I wish I could write

Dragana, I wish I could write a sequel to a book because this would greatly reduce the work and the time it takes to write a book. (I think developing the characters and working out their life stories takes the most time.) Readers and publishers love book series, so it would be a very good idea for me to do something like this.

But I can't do it! My books always feel quite finished to me. This might be because I give my characters a lot of problems to begin with, a lot of conflict in their lives. Then in the course of the book, they sort out these problems and find (usually) their Happy Ending. So after that, there's really nowhere to go.

I think I could possibly develop a sequel to STAR GAZING if I put two of the minor characters at the centre of the story, but really, I'd always prefer to move on and create new characters and new stories.

But the old ones don't go away! They are always in my mind. (It feels quite crowded in my head sometimes!)


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