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 At the moment I just paint

 At the moment I just paint for the publishers... for that keeps me very busy and doesn't give me much time to do private commissions :( ... though I will be selling prints of my work in the very near future and I will also be releasing my new book that will feature a lot of my latest artwork.

I assume the Italian publishers will decide on when and if my work will be on their covers. I would love to see my work on a Italian Romance Novel. Perhaps in the future?

I've never been to the land of my ancestors... though it certainly would be a dream come true when I make that journey... for to me Italy is the center of the art world in my artistic opinion.. it doesn't get any better that... the beauty is in the streets alone... Even though I am America born, my heart is in the land of my ancestors. My Grandfather (God rest his soul) always said to me when I was growing up, "Remember you are Italian before you are America."

As far as falling in love with any of my models... " I don't kiss and tell"  (lol) just kidding (lol) Maybe once or twice :))

Veronica, I really want to thank you for taking the time to do an interview about me... I thank you Veronica, and I thank all involved.

Publishers give me a fact sheet outlining the basic story and I do my best with the information to bring the story to life.

The artwork portraying me and model Colleen Gruber was a very interesting and fun project to do...

What I like about the book of Esther... is that she is a very strong heroine risking her life for her people. I love the part where she kneels and humbles herself before GOD in prayer prior to facing the King.

Mainly I just paint the novels... outside of that I still choose subject matters that are historical in once sense or another for I love history.

If I were to choose an Italian artist from past, my choice... would be Michelangelo for his passion and strong faith in GOD. It certainly showed it in all of his masterpieces...

If I had to go back and choose my favorite period.. it would probably be Victorian for it's elegance.

I was always moved by the story of "The Phantom of the Opera"... the deep love he had for Christine, who of course was his muse which every artist searches for in his life :))

Jon Paul


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