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Unfortunately I know no

Unfortunately I know no Italian.  But despite that I have registered and followed instructions in Italian, so if this comment comes through twice - my apologies :)!! 

VeronicaBennett – Thanks so much for the wishes of good luck!  I’m sorry to say that neither of my books has been translated from English.  Only the English versions are available on Amazon (which I believe is mostly worldwide) and other online bookstores.


Luna70 – Thank you! “From the Dust” was such a joy to write.  It was set not far from where I live, in a valley where I spent a great portion of my childhood.  And the time period was an early enough era that there were many elders around who remembered all sorts of interesting tidbits.  So it was a great deal of fun interviewing and researching. 


Eleanora – I rather fell in love with Thailand early on, the people, the culture and, of course emerging from a Canadian winter, the weather.  While I’ve been to many other countries, it seems when we’re in Asia we always make sure to set foot, if only for a week or so, in Thailand.  There’s something peaceful and calming about Thailand once you get off the tourist track.  And the food, well that goes without saying, I could eat my way through Thailand – and have.   It was there where I first learned that monkeys aren’t adverse to water and can swim well.   On a river in Thailand we were over-run by river monkeys diving from the trees around us and swimming to our, not so stable plastic kayaks and then attempting to get in. Here’s a link to the whole story – click here – hope you enjoy!


MarchRose – I am thrilled that you loved the excerpt!  I hope you have a chance to read the whole book and it keeps you entertained right to the end.  In regards to my others books, I'll be announcing on my website as soon as my next book is available.  Thanks again!


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