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Andreina - Ring of Desire

Andreina - Ring of Desire is a stand alone story.  I have no plans to make a series, saga or trilogy of it :)  I know series books are all the rage now but as a author I prefer to wrap up the story in one book.  I can't see drawing out one of the secondary characters for a second book or creating a second with Giles and Vala a decade older.  I like a nice clean, or as clean as you can get with magic, ending.

My picture was taken in Thailand on the beach on an island called Koh Phangan.  It's also known as the island of the full moon party.  Where thousands of partiers will go to celebrate the full moon.

Drakon - funny you should mention setting a story in Thailand.  That's where my next book will be set.  Actually, I am going to set it in Northern Thailand where a documentarist finds herself thrown into the arms of a fugitive stock broker in a race to get evidence that will save their lives. They are one of my most mismatched pairs to date and the artsy side of my film maker is going to clash beautifully with my status quo broker. 

I remember taking a trip up a Northern Thai river in a longboat.  It was an interesting trip with lots of local colour along the banks of that river.  But it was made with a Thai couple as guides who spoke not a word of English and we spoke not a word of Thai.  They manned the boat, ignored us and fought the entire way.  I had visions of them either attacking each other or docking the boat and storming off, leaving us in the middle of nowhere.  That's rather the inspiration for my mismatched film maker/stock broker.


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