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Home | Anne Stuart: Non c'è pace per i Cattivi Ragazzi - The Wicked never rest

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Translation comment #5 (

Translation comment #5 ( Lucy one)

An interesting interview , thank you! I have read just  her historical books and  I really appreciated them but I  understand  from the comments I read here in the blog  that her contemporaries should be extraordinary! I guess  I should get cracking at finding some titles.


Translation comment #6 ( Laura)
How nice, an interview with Anne Stuart! Very good girls! Anne is one of my favourite author,  most of all thanks to her romantic suspense and contemporary novels, so I hope she’ll continue to write  a huge amount of romantic suspense. In the meanwhile I’m looking  forward to reading her new serie about the Rohan Family.

Translation comment #7 ( Morena)

What a  good interview!
 I’ve never read one of her books but I’m willing to get to know her  right  thanks   to the italian edition of Ruthless.

PS. Her face has impressed me I guess she should be very nice!


Translation comment #8 ( Giusy73)

Personally, I think that  ANNE STUART is one of the best romance author!

 translation comment # 10 ( Vale- Poppy77)

Ohhhhh  I’m so happy, Is It Christmas and no one has alerted me? Anne Stuart is my favourite author and I have a thousand reasons to affirm that.Let’s say for her so dark and original heroes , for her stories always unpredictable, for her ability to let us understand her charachters and still many more. I agreed with those who told that she’s not for everybody, I believe there is a great difference beetwen Anne and the other romance authors.  It’s like comparing a run on a roller coaster to a peaceful walk in countryside. Who loves  estreme choices, hazards, dark and obscure atmospheres  and a breathtaking sensuality will be satisfied. I can not do without  it.



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