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# 31 Libera, I'll look

# 31

Libera, I'll look into whether CHRISTMAS REVELS was ever offered to Mondadori.  I love Christmas stories because I can be so sentimental.  Even more than usual.  *g*  I don't know if I did just by Naples, but I did try!



Lidiag, I'm so glad you enjoy RIVER OF FIRE.  Because I went to art school and was a designer for years, I have a special fondness for the artist characters in ROF, but it isn't a book most readers mention.  I think of it as my "creative process" book, and some of what the characters feel for their painting is what I feel about my writing. 

Thank you for the many kind words.


# 35

Thank you for the welcome to Italy, Teresa.  I learned from my dh's wonderful Italian-American aunts and uncles just how truly hospitable Italians are.  My own Yankee relatives are very colorless by comparison. *g*

Though I have toyed with the idea of writing other kinds of books, I've never seriously considered doing so.  And even then, there was usually a romance.

I think that within romance, it's possible to explore all questions: family relations, suspense, violence, reconciliation, death and dying.  *Everything.*  And since I'm known in romance, it's where I can find the largest audience.

That said, the young adult series I'm starting is young adult historical paranormal, and the romance is a minor thread.  (These are teenagers, after all!) 

I hope you're all having a lovely day.  The winter sun is out here in Baltimore.

Mary Jo


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