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Translation comment#2

Translation comment#2 (Libera)

Congratulations Maet for the interview, with your questions have centered quite the merits and doubts raised by the novel.And congratulations to you Robin, for everything. Skill, kindness and simplicity. I loved reading this novel of yours and cannot wait for  others more be translated so that I can dip again into your stories. Above all I would like "Scandalous Lovers" to be translated, in order to complement a beautiful picture but  with still many obscure points.Yourconcise  style  makes any dialogue real , as if those scenes I could live them together with the protagonists. I have been keenly aware of the anguish of Jack and Rose, but also that of many secondary characters. The only one that I could not understand is that of the husband of Rose. The real villain, meaning the one who plays the evil in  the story, because his love is insane, and the solution, the cure, which seeks to prepare,  is even more selfish and sick of the disease. Too bad to hear that he drove his wife to have sex with another to have a child.  As Marianna ,who preceded me,  I wished to enjoy a happier and more definite end, this one in the novel does not leave much of the happy ending aftertaste to be fully true.I also appends to her compliments to Jack, a real man! Congratulations again and best wishes for the future!


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