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Translation comment# 3

Translation comment# 3 (Lalletta)

Dearest Robin is a great joy for me to write  to an author of great value as you are. I have known  you with "The Lady's Tutor" and I was immediately conquered!The first thing I  have immediately  to say  is that I found more sentiments in this novels than in many others. I believe that the strength of a relationship,from a  physical point of view, is no less important than the mental one. You introduced us to some  mature characters (finally!) who accompanied us on a reflection on the historical period and especially on the  women condition .What I most appreciate in your novels is that the sensuality, than I perceive especially in the dialogues between the protagonists. Apparently cut, they are instead a prelude to the mutual knowledge and passion that grows inside them.Thi is brilliant because with a simple "yes" or "no" you explained more than with a thousands words. I, dear Robin,  find you exceptional in this!
Regarding "Cry for passion", there is one thing I wanted to ask because for me a little bit out of tune. The vulgarity of Jack in general. I found  him a little rough, especially having regard to its social position. Too "provocative" in short. Something is to use a certain kind of language in the bedroom ... but Jack, if you compare it to reality, a man like that would seem rude and ignorant.
Maet thank you for the interview.


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