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Dear Lidiag (comment

Dear Lidiag (comment #12)

I'm sorry you didn't enjoy CRY FOR PASSION. Using "four letter words" is a risk when writing romance, even though, as I said, many mainstream romance authors are using them. I remember when writing my first romance novel, AWAKEN, MY LOVE, I once used the "F" word. My editor at that time asked why would I use that, at the risk of offending a segment of readers, when another word would convey what was going on? I agreed at the time, and in fact, my editor was vindicated when I was a guest on a Chicago radio station, and I read parts of the book on the air. No one had to worry about censoring my words!

As for Rose being almost a virgin, without any experience, asking a man to undress. . . . Jack had not been very nice - nor gentlemanly - in accusing her to want the sex her husband did not give her, and then accusing her of wanting sex in order to get pregnant with the baby her husband couldn't give her. She retaliated. Perhaps her request lost significance because some of her emotions for doing so were expressed in SCANDALOUS LOVERS, the book which gave birth to her. Or perhaps not. Rose IS sexually adventurous, and while she is physically almost a virgin, she had been a member of the Men and Women's Club for two years, and had studied sexoloy in all it's myriad facets.

But I'm not here to change your mind about Rose; CRY FOR PASSION is not a book for everyone. Thank you for reading it and expressing your feelings. And thank you for your compliment on my historical detail. Because history - as well as the love between a man and a woman - is very important to me.


Robin Schone


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