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Dear Antonella (comment

Dear Antonella (comment #15),

I'm so glad you liked the story of CRY FOR PASSION, and that you understood the feelings of Rose and Jack. They were indeed searching for more than what they had experienced in the past. Yet Rose and Jack were both trying to resist the emotions that sparked between them. They did this by distancing themselves - or cocooning themselves - from their emotions. Or perhaps it is my style of writing that gave you that feeling. I remember once a reader wrote me asking WHY had I made THE LOVER so stark and cold when THE LADY'S TUTOR (the book before) had not been written that way at all? After several emails back and forth, she admitted that THE LOVER had disturbed her, whereas she had been more comfortable with the emotions expressed in THE LADY'S TUTOR. Readers bring their own expectations and emotions to the books they read, so I can't really say as to why you felt this distance. But thank you for reading Rose and Jack's story, and for writing here.


Robin Schone


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