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Translation comment#76

Translation comment#76 (Lib63)

Dear Ms. Schone,
I take advantage of the availability of Maet (thanks Maet!) because even if I'm late, I want to express my total consideration for your historical expertise and  the care you put in writing  all the nuances of bureaucratic and political relevance of the Victorian era.I do not think it was  so easy to  make such a refined research as you did.
"Cry for Passion" is the first book of yours that I read, and I must say that, as I wrote in my comment to the reviews, it is not a book that you  is possible to ignore, but that leaves a trail even after  days from the end of reading . Personally, I suffered a bit, because this is the second book of a duet and I felt that if they had first translated the story of Francis and James, I would have appreciated better the relationship between Jack and Rose  that started there. I think we can define your book (if we label it) as an Erotic romance and this was my first erotic and even though I am not a bigot, between knowing it and seeing it clearly spelled out, there was, for me, a certain difference (probably I was not prepared). This is not to be meant as a negative remark but as an admission, to some extent, of personal limits,  that, as you say, are part of our education. That said,I will read all  of your books that will be published in Italian (unfortunately I do not read in English !!!). After the interview, I admire your courage, especially for remaining true to your forthright nature, without any compromises, it must not be that easy for you.
Best wishes for everything and good luck!


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