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Ciao Andreina. Thank you for

Ciao Andreina. Thank you for the welcome back. This is my favorite blog!

You asked which book is more difficult to write. That would be the book I'm writing now, CHARLOTTE AND THE GYPSY. Books I set in medieval Italy are by far the easiest because I know the culture and I have done so much research of the time and place that I can spend more time writing the story and not get bogged down in so many facts.

But with the second book, I am out of my league. It's a bit more trickier to write about Gypsies. There are many books about them, but the Gypsies didn't record their history, so the intricate info that I need is missing. I am learning so much of the nuances of their life from a Gypsy friend. But I'm finding that I have to look up so much more of the details while I'm writing, which is why book 2 is going very slow.


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