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translation comment # 1

translation comment # 1 (Fanny71)

I've not yet fully read the interview but I wanted to be the first to praise your books... Lord of Scoundrels is one of the most beautiful books I've read this year (I read 8-10 books per month) and I put it immediately in my keepers shelf... those books you reread when you are a bit sad or when you're happy... o when you just want to dream a little bit.

I loved its characters, expecially Lord Dain and his beautiful nose.


translation comment # 2 (Marianna)

My compliments to naan for this interview!

I would like to tell Loretta - and I hope she will allow me the liberty - I read her masterpiece, Lord of Scoundrels, with a lot of expectances due to the praises of so many review... but while I was reading it... I expected something more... Anyway, I want to read it again, without interructions, and so I would ask her : "How would you tempt a reader who haven't heard of it, to read your most famous "son"?"

I like the idea of a series dedicated to 5 brothers... it's intriguing and I've already decided to read the first to be released... better, I'm going to read the excerpt from the 1st chapter ;-)

bye bye Marianna

translation comment # 3 (Chiaromattino - Cris)

Hello Loretta,

I too would like to thank you for gifting me with some very special moments.

In your novels I found everything I was looking for, passion, wonderful places, very human characters, adventure and fun.

In particular I was impressed by your extremely natural dialogues and writing.

Besides, the conversation between the count of Hargate and his countess, in which they talk about their worries about their sons' future and try to find a solution, has a kind of universal flavour, no matter which are the time and the place.

Do you think that what is important to a person searching happyness it's always the same, even if fashion changes and time passes?

Thank you again for accepting to be our guest in the blog and thanks to naan too, who ask the questions in order to give us a complete portrait of a very loved author.



translation comment # 5 ( Hatshepsut81)

My compliments to the author and to naan for the interview.

So far I've just read The Lion's Daughter and Lord of Scoundrels and I must say I liked more the last one.

I felt as the books were written by two different authors.

It seemed to me that The Lion's Daughter was too much chaotic: there was a bunch of events. I'm the only one who feel this way?

I would like to ask a question:

Do you like your novels' italian covers or do you prefer the original ones?

Lord of Scoundrel is absolutely WONDERFUL!

Now I'm waiting for your next novel. Thank you.

translation comment # 6 (maet1)

First of all "bravo" to naan, wonderful interview.

Dear Loretta I'm one of the readers who have truly loved Lord of Scoundrels, so well written and successful books are so few you can count them! so many true, even if maybe banal, compliments.

You said what made you starting to write romance, but if you should write just for yourself, absolutely freely and without deadline and censures, what would it be your ideal story and characters? What would you find fully satisfying as a reader? And who, among your collegues, do you appreciate or admire the most? Thank you for your kindness, it's a real pleasure to have you here with us.



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