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translation comment # 9

translation comment # 9 (FairyRain)

It's fantastic when an author's talking makes you understand her inner world! My compliments to this beautiful interview and to Mrs Chase's skill in making us dream through her unforgettable stories!

translation comment # 11 (andreina65)

Dear Loretta

thank you so much for your kindness.

So far I've just read one of your books, Lord of Scoundrels, but I must say it was past time italian publishers started to translate your novels!

For goodness sake, why on earth there isn't just one language in the world?

How complicated we human beings are!

Anyway, I must confess that Lord Dain conquered his own room in my bookshelf and is not going to go anywhere, so I must keep him among my keepers!

I'd like to know if your husband read your books and what tells you after reading them, and I'm also curious to know which is his favourite one.

As for your characters' names are they invented or you pick them up from some books you read or from something you hear in your dayly life?

Thank you again and compliments to your works!



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