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Ciao to all my new friends

Ciao to all my new friends overseas today! Some day I would love to travel there to see your beautiful country so rich in history! How fortunate you are and what a beautiful culture that you possess!

I will try to answer your questions as best as I can and trust Veronica to help me out in translations! But I have to say that this has got to be my most favorite interview!!

Maristella, (first what a beautiful name!) Thank you for stopping by today! It is an interesting question that you bring up. I suppose that I did know that there would be edits to some degree-I am not sure of how much. But I appreciate the regulations of the foreign markets, trusting they are there for a good purpose.

That said--I did recevei word from my translator in Italy who loved Diary of Cozette and so far had loved Tortured as well! She did not indicate if there had been any "cuts" but here is my feeling on how I write sex scenes.

In all of my books, the interaction between characters must have a meaning. I view mys writing as sensual--very sensual, but less focused on the mechanics and more on the emotion, the senses. This is how I write all my books--not those just for Harlequin, but my contemporary, paranormal, womens fciton--

I like to write about the characters. By the time you are finished reading one of my books, I hope that at least one character stays with you long after you are finished.



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